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Why You Should Add Cybersecurity Provisions To Your Construction Contracts

Why You Should Add Cybersecurity Provisions To Your Construction Contracts

Why You Should Add Cybersecurity Provisions To Your Construction ContractsBy: Carmine "Carm" Tiano
Published on: 08/08/2024

In 2023, the construction industry was attacked more than any other industry by cyber criminals. That’s largely because many construction companies are still stuck in old ways of doing things and are reluctant to harness the latest technology.

Tech News
Don't Risk It! Why You Shouldn't  Skip Vulnerability Assessments

Don't Risk It! Why You Shouldn't Skip Vulnerability Assessments

Published on: 18/05/2024

Think skipping vulnerability assessments is harmless? Think again! Unpatched weaknesses leave you wide open to attacks. Stay secure and learn more.

Tech News
Watch Out for Ransomware Pretending to Be a Windows Update

Watch Out for Ransomware Pretending to Be a Windows Update

Published on: 27/10/2023

Imagine you’re working away on your PC, and you see a prompt for a Windows update. But when you install it, you’re infected with ransomware. That’s the nightmare caused by an emerging cybersecurity threat.

Tech News
Why You Need to Understand "Secure by Design" Cybersecurity Practices

Why You Need to Understand "Secure by Design" Cybersecurity Practices

Published on: 20/10/2023

Whether you’re a large enterprise or small business, network security is a must. It’s essential to shift from a reactive to a proactive cybersecurity approach.

Tech News

Adeptivity provides IT services, cybersecurity, consulting, and ongoing support for small businesses in Canada.

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